Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Global Medical Insurance Plans (Long Term Medical Insurance Plans)

Q: I would like to apply for the Global Medical Insurance plan, how can I do this?

A: Click here to apply online or click here to download the application form.

Q: Can a US citizen obtain this insurance?

A: Yes, if the US citizen is residing outside the US for at least 6 months.

Q: After applying for global medical insurance coverage, how long does it take to get approved?

A: Generally, you are approved within 5 to 7 business days from the date the application is received. You will receive your policy in the mail within 2-3 weeks from the date of approval unless you agree to pay an additional charge for overnight delivery, which will get the policy to you sooner.

Q: What is the best policy for me?

A: Click here to visit the Policy Picker on our home page. You will answer a few short questions and the Policy Picker will help you determine what plan fits your needs.

Q: What is the difference between Global Medical Insurance Plan and the Expatriot Plus Travel Medical Insurance Plan?

A: The Global Medical Insurance Plan allows you to obtain medical treatment worldwide. For instance, under the Global Medical Insurance Plan, you may electively return to your home country for medical treatment, including treatment in the US. Unlike the Expatriot Plus Travel Medical Insurance Plan, Global Medical Insurance covers pre-existing conditions and pregnancy, after certain waiting periods are satisfied (See summary coverage or policy wording).

Q: Are faxed applications for Global Medical Insurance accepted?

A: Yes, you may fax your applications to (212) 268-8524.

Q: I would like to purchase the policy, do you require payment before my application is approved?

A: Yes, our carriers accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express for quarterly, semi-annual and annual payments and personal checks are accepted on an annual basis only. Checks should be made payable to IMG.

Q: What are the costs to add dependent children on to the global medical insurance plan?

A: If both parents/guardians are insured under the global medical insurance plan, then the first two (2) children under the age of 10 are free. If you have more than two children under the age of 10, then there is a premium charge for the third child. If any of your children are above the age of 10, then there is a premium charge for such children. Please review the premium table for rates.

Q: If I am a US expatriate who is currently living in France and moving to Singapore, can I maintain my global medical insurance plan?

A: Yes, please notify us of your address change.

Q: I am currently enrolled in the global medical insurance plan, am I able to change my deductible?

A: Yes, only at the time of renewal, and you may only increase you deductible, not decrease.


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